Those who control the present
‘Those who control the present can rewrite the past’ — Anne Fortier
‘Those who control the present can rewrite the past’ — Anne Fortier
In 2016 you voted for brexit. But you voted for it because the leave campaign lied to you, of course: not because you didn’t like foreigners very much and didn’t care very much about your children’s future.
Whatever you think about brexit, there is something which matters more. And brexit is not compatible with that thing.
Welcome to the age of the clown fascists.
What sort of people will vote for Trump in 2020, if he lasts that long?
Sometime in the middle of 2019, the UK will have a new prime minister. He1 will have considerable power to control whether, when and how the UK leaves the EU.
In June 2017 I argued that people who voted for Trump were racists: I’m very unhappy with that conclusion.
As card-carrying members of the liberal elite we have to understand why so many people are so cross. Obviously it is our fault: with our awful progressive views we have prospered at their expense and it is only natural that they should express their anger by supporting politicians who are explicitly racist and misogynistic. That’s just a natural reaction: the people we have oppressed so horribly aren’t actually racists and misogynists, no, they just support politicians who are. It’s all our fault1.
Clarke’s third law is that
any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
It does not apply to organisations who want to intercept communications: if it’s claimed that they can do something which requires magic, then in fact they can’t do that.
We’ve been fooling ourselves for thirty years. We believed that the awful toxins that defined society in our youths were, while not yet dead or even nearly dead, clearly dying.