Posts tagged guest


:: lisp, guest

An article constructed from several emails from my friend Zyni, reproduced with her permission. Note that Zyni’s first language is not English.

Measuring some tree-traversing functions

:: lisp, programming, guest

In a previous article my friend Zyni wrote some variations on a list-flattening function, some of which were ‘recursive’ and some of which ‘iterative’, managing the stack explicitly. We thought it would be interesting to see what the performance differences were, both for this function and a more useful variant which searches a tree rather than flattening it.

Variations on a theme

:: lisp, programming, guest

My friend Zyni wrote a comment to a thread on reddit with some variations on a list-flattening function. We’ve since spent some time thinking about things related to this, which is written up in a following article. Here is her comment so the following article can refer to it. Other than notes at the end the following text is Zyni’s, not mine.