The modern real programmer
This is adapted from an email from my friend Zyni, used with her permission. Don’t take it too seriously.
An attempt to preserve some things that would otherwise be lost.
This is adapted from an email from my friend Zyni, used with her permission. Don’t take it too seriously.
Or: shut up already.
My friend Zyni wrote this, not me. I have preserved her line breaks.
Det er vanskeligt at spaa, især naar det gælder Fremtiden.
Here’s what I think is coming and why: make of it what you will.
The dead internet theory is a conspiracy theory, which in itself is enough reason to doubt it. Like many fashionable conspiracy theories it originated in regions of the internet frequented by people with really unpleasant views, which is another.
Or: sometimes the obvious answer isn’t the answer at all.
Common Lisp’s pathname system has many problems. Here is proposal to make the situation a little better in one respect. This is not a general fix: it’s just trying to solve one problem.
Most uses of shadow
and shadowing-import
in Common Lisp packages point to design problems.
[An old article I forgot to publish.]
The UK government wants to effectively ban end-to-end encryption for messaging. Even if this was desirable, it is not usefully possible. The effort wasted on this futile and stupid attempt to do the impossible would be better spent elsewhere.
The tories are very keen that what they call ‘mickey mouse degrees’ be abolished, in favour of apprenticeships. At first blush, this seems to be just a depressing utilitarian idea. But then it seems at first rather odd, and then not odd at all.