Black body planet
A model of the planets as black bodies is surprisingly accurate, except in one interesting case1.
A model of the planets as black bodies is surprisingly accurate, except in one interesting case1.
Fog computing is like cloud computing except that no-one can see what you are doing.
Physicists seem still to be taught about tensors as being, essentially, multidimensional arrays with special transformation rules which must be learned by rote. So I wrote a document which tries to present a more useful approach.
Do not eat the free lunch: it has probably been poisoned.
I play the guitar. Something that has been fashionable for some time is what are often called ‘road worn’ guitars. In other words new (but vintage-spec) guitars which have been aggressed in various ways to make them look old.
How easy are physical systems to predict?
When I first used Lisp, the common refrain was that Lisp was dead.
The second part of my notes on writing macros in Racket.
People often ask which Pentax film SLR to get. In brief: get an MX with a 50/1.4.
I’ve written in Lisp for a long time, but I’ve never used a hygienic macro system in any way other than the most simple. Here are some initial notes on my experiences learning Racket’s macro system.