How the backtrace was conquered
Once upon a time, when the world was younger, a young and rather foolish physics student used to debug his FORTRAN programs using printed backtraces.
And I do mean printed backtraces: when the machine crashed the chain printer attached to it would vomit out many sheets of paper which had procedure names and line numbers on them. And, after restarting the machine so the next user could make it crash in their turn he would take this printout and take his printout of his program and compare the line numbers: looking at the code, trying to work out what had gone wrong and marking corrections in pencil. He spent many hours late at night in this way.
Later on, this same student (now a maths student) discovered a wonderful thing: a programming language called Lisp in which you could write programs to solve complex algebra problems which were of interest in his field. And although, in theory, if you had the kind of computer which maths departments could not afford, Lisp was an interactive language, this was not true in practice if all you had was the kind of computer that was all a maths department could afford. So things went on much as before: he would make some changes to his program, set up the equations it was going to try to solve, and then, late at night when there were no other users to inconvenience, set it off running. In the morning there might occasionally be a solution, and even more occasionally a solution which was useful. But more often there would be only the corpse of the program in the form of an elaborate backtrace after it had been mortally wounded by some fierce bug (error handling was a thing not yet thought of, at leasy by the student). This time, though, the backtrace would be in a log file from the run.
And the student made another discovery: there was a certain text editing environment used by some far-off people who had access to much bigger and better computers, and this editing environment purported to support Lisp programming rather well: certainly better than the rudimentary editor he used then. And he managed to get a copy of this environment (legend has it it was version 17.64) on a tape from someone, and he managed to make it run, just, on the maths department’s machine. And he taught it enough about the Lisp dialect he was using that it was indeed helpful, if often annoying to other users as it took rather a lot of the capacity of the machine to support it. And everything was a little better.
And this text editing system came with a rather wonderful tool: a program whose name may have been ‘tags’ which would, for the languages it understood, make a file which mapped between definition names and their locations in the filesystem. And he modified this tags program to understand the dialect of Lisp he was using as well. Very wonderfully, the system would also cope with the case where the definition had moved, which it almost always had, and which made things like line and column numbers so brittle and useless (source control might have been invented by then, but the student knew nothing of that). This, of course, was the one of the primitive ancestors of the automatic systems which will find definitions of symbols that any reputable editor, and even some that are perhaps a little less than reputable, now has.
And now, when he came in in the morning to find a new backtrace from the previous night’s run, he would edit this backtrace in the editing system and find interesting lines in it, at which he would type the very wonderful ‘meta-dot’ or, as he knew it (not being blessed with a keyboard with a meta key), ‘escape dot’ command. And the disk light would come on for a little, and then he would be looking at the definition he was interested in.
Thus was the backtrace conquered. And from that day to this it has never dared raise its head again in polite company, but instead lurks, unheeded except by the few who now remember it, in the darker corners of the system. As for the student, well, no-one now remembers him at all.